Wednesday, October 15, 2008

adventures in acting here goes nothing! ;)

Hi. I am Katie--twin sister or aka the girl on the left side of this blog photo! I had this acting blog ready to go for this site but what do you know--I left it at work today.
Oh well, I'll just start fresh. I had been thinking about starting a blog for a while because I heard its the best way to network nowadays in the acting industry. Other than that I'm not sure why anyone would really care to hear about my personal life, but I'm a free spirit so I figured what the hell--why not give it a try anyway? Besides I've often been told my life events were weird or even that some events which will remain nameless for the time being, make my life seem like a strange soap opera, so who knows maybe someone will find it interesting after all ! ;)
hhmmm what to say...well does anyone else love the new show tru blood? I think its really unique and asethetically pleasing as well. I sure wish there was a Fangtasia in my town. I mean theres only so many times you can go to the bars around here before you say sheesh! why even bother! I'd probably would've had more entertainment watching hbo or something!
But then, I guess inevitably u get tired of a town twenty minutes from where you grew up regardless--if you are anything like me and crave something more titalating than countrybumpkinville that is. Well, least i have few good friends to help keep me sane! :) p.s. Good luck tonight for Obama!