Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CURRENT Project where we have speaking roles!

"RUMORS" is the title of the series of webisodes currently in production that Ande and I are taking part in. While we enjoy being extras, we got tired of never having a speaking role, so our ingenious friends Ted McNeil and Jeff Straight and us, decided what the hell, let's get our own thing started then damnit! We have had one successful filming of the first webisode which took place last Sunday. Currently, Ande and I are in the process of memorizing the next script while Jeff and Ted are working on editing,(Ted),and writing,(Jeff),the next undertakings of this adventuresome project. I have to say I am enjoying the process of working with friends as this allows us to have open and honest communication about our perspectives about each facet of the project. :)
In addition, Ande and I are in the local tv show, QACTV Update-a bi-weekly show developed by Ande and Ted for the local govt. station Channel 7 where they work their day jobs. Jeff also helps direct this, while Ted is the guy in charge of the show including it's editing and Ande is the writer. I just act for free but enjoy every minute of it.;)
Well, I am typed-out for today guys, so stay tuned for a post about the upcoming film due in theatres, (yes I write that the Shakespearean way),very soon known as "State of Play" in which we were stand-ins and extras.
Jeff and Ted's Blog worth checkin' out is:
"State of Play" info. for you:State of Play (2009)
Directed by Kevin Macdonald. With Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck, Russell Crowe. Based on the BBC mini-series of the same title, a team of investigative ... - 64k - Cached - Similar pages -

Wounded Creature Kevin Kangas is head of Marauder productions and helped create the wicked film we took part in called "Wounded Creature." I have to be rather cryptic in the description of this film, as I was instructed to be in order to take part in it..Oooou scary premise eh? ;)
Ande and I began our journey into this dark realm by meeting up with the cast and crew in a rather creepy undisclosed location. We were a bit intimidated arriving outside the building in which we were to meet when taking in our surroundings. The area was on the dilapidated side, and a head of us we noticed a man yelling at a woman on the empty street along with a burned down area that we later found was a house just a few days before. (Fortunately for continuity's sake, the burned down house managed to stay afloat during the scenes filmed on that same street earlier on in the week!) So, anyway we crossed the street to avoid a potential classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and on the other side of the street was a guy with a face mask of which was almost completing obscuring his face. We stood looking around for a building number while edging away from this guy when he spoke. "Well you look like a couple of girls lost in a ghetto," he said. "Are you here as extras for 'Wounded Creature'?" We readily agreed, laughing all the while at these oddly placed events as we were ushered into an elevator equipped with an iron gate which looked in appearance like something out of a Vincent Price horror flick elevator leading to a torture chamber--pretty awesome.
Once upstairs, we hung out for a while, getting to know the cast, crew and other extras that had showed up. We were pleased to note that there were fewer extras there than we were used to which meant more potential screen time for us.
When we arrived on the set, we spent a few hours jumping out and racing full speed after an unlucky individual who was being rampaged by zombies,(us). Though we do work out we typically do not do any sprinting while chasing unsuspecting prey, so our legs and darkened circles reminded of our entertaining evening the next day at work.;)That night the fire dept. and police stopped by to scope out the scene and were surprised to find that- no that wasn't a real gun going off. I also found out that apparently this had happened before when the cops showed up on set for the same reason, only to simultaneously miss a legit gun shot going off only a block away! It was also an extra advantage that right above our scene that night, a chopper went by, seemingly right on clue, yet obviously unplanned as well. ;)
Since Ande and I had always wanted to take part in a horror movie, so we found our way to another location later that week to take part in the climatic and appropriately gory end scene of the film. Another perk was that I believe we will be mentioned as 'featured extras' for our part in this scene since we were two of only a small handful of background actors there. Well, that night,for a while Ande and I drove around in circles wishing we had a navigator, until one of the talented people behind "Wounded Creature", Jared, came and rescued us from our endless meandering down back roads. At the location where we arrived, Ande and I waited for our turn by interacting with the friendly people there and admiring the beautiful snow marble cat that was hanging around there. (Its title fitted its description perfectly btw.)While there, we were treated like fortunate houseguests, given ample food and beverages so we could be ready to eat dead people. Yeah, that's right. So we discovered that the best fake blood is made from maple syrup which was convenient in appearance...and taste!;) Throughout the rest of much of the night we spent eating dead body parts and witnessing gore in action. The way the scene was played out was very innovative and we very much enjoyed seeing a behind the scenes look into such a dementedly fun film.
Just a few of the charismatic people we worked with included the wildly entertaining Rob Proctor, Rob Stull, Jared, (the cool guy from the alleyway), and Ziegler. Ziegler,aka 'Zig' and Stull actually took a turn in front of the camera as opposed to behind it as they usually are, and joined in our zombie-ness during one scene. Anyway, I highly recommend renting this one when it comes out.I know we will!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Washingtonienne
"The Washingtonienne" is a tv pilot produced by the witty actress Sarah Jessica Parker, which was filmed partially in Baltimore Md.
Ande and I were extras taking part of a ball which was filmed at the luxurious Hotel Belvedere in Baltimore Md. The sets in this production made it readily apparent that much preparation (and undoubtedly funding), went into the development of this pilot. The light boxes and cameras were more extensive in movement and size than any we had ever seen...The production crew were even permitted to lower the glass chandaliers in the hotel so that they could be viewed directly in the shot.
Ande and I were a bit astounded to note that Sarah Jessica Parker was actually much shorter in person and even more unbelievable to us, was that we beat her by close to an inch in height...which we almost never see! Just a sidebar here but-- apparently one of our top favorite actors, Al Pacino is another actor who is shorter in stature. We were of course pleased when we found out this year that,in fact, being short has it's advantages in the film industry because that way those in charge of the film production can make the actor appear any height they desire to make the character appear.
But back to the set,one scene that we participated in was at a dinner table. While sitting at this feast quite some time after noon, we began to get a tad hungry with the sumptuous smells wafting from the food in front of us. So, one person, than another, the two of us included in this mix of course, also began sampling some of the tempting foods before us. :)
The background actors also amused each other with our pantomiming and by making rather amusing expressions during the scene while simultaneously stifling our laughter so as not to interrupt the scene! ;)
The other couple of scenes we took part in were ones which involved the elegant ballroom of the five star Belvedere hotel. During these scenes, we mostly pantomimed with friendly strangers while admiring the decadence that surrounded us. One table in the scene reminded me of the scene in "Pan's Labyrinth" when the character Ofelia is tempted to try the delicious food on the table before her, despite warnings not to. Seriously, there were grapes and foods of all kinds in this scene as well that were,alas, only for the looking.
It was another fascinating day that reminded us just how much we would love to act full time, preferably with speaking roles though. Hence we are currently acting in a script written by our good friend Jeff Straight and filmed by another good friend Ted McNeil, the Creatio Material bloggers: You can see their farcical blogs at: Blog -
Anyway, our script "Rumors" is a lot of work and zany fun.
To learn more about "The Washingtonienne" cast and crew, progress, and premise you should take a look at.....,0,3387316.story


"About Roulette:
ROULETTE is a feature film shooting in the Baltimore and Howard County areas throughout the fall. It marks the first commercial collaboration between Four-Fingered Films and J65 Productions, whose last pairing led to a decisive win at the 2006 Towson Media Arts Festival. Shooting began on August 11th, 2008.
Visit ROULETTE at The Internet Movie Database. Image Hosted by ImageShack."
SO, during the typically cold and bitter month of September, our best friend Alex, Ande and I managed to find some fun when we headed out to Kings Contrivance restaurant in Columbia, Md to take part as extras in the independent film "Roulette."
Alex had always been a supporter of our acting enthusiasm, while also occasionally saying that he wished he could take part in our endeavors but was not sure he was quite 'brave enough' to try it out. We knew that he would love it though, and so one Friday night over a couple of beers, we convinced him to come along for the ride as an extra in "Roulette" with us. Well, despite his initial nervousness, Alex did end up having a great time, and said he knew even more why my sis and I were so animate about our acting. We also thought he was definately a natural as we'd suspected! ;)
During one scene, we were seated at a table behind two main actors. There we engaged in trying to simultaneously read each other's minds and mouths, from which myriad crazy stories were forthcoming-stream of consciousness in style. All the while, we were sipping on rum and coke(aka coke),and white wine,(aka),grape juice, while wishing it were something else...;)
The most entertaining scene to take part in was the bar scene. Alex and us were pretending to be partying it up until showing expressions of disgust and bewilderment once the heated bar scene commenced. During this scene, the character Richard Kesler played by our fellow friend and actor Will Haza, attempts to make a play on his best friend, the character John Tokaz,(Troy), and is sorely disappointed when his friend blatantly disapproves of his efforts. Being bar patrons gets particularly amusing while watching Kesler consume shots of real Jack Daniels during each and every take! The scene ends with the rather aggravated bartender, played by Frank Lama, announcing last call to Kesler, who adamantly displays his anger at his friend by cursing while storming out of the bar.
The entire cast and crew were all talented professionals who also clearly liked to have a good time whilst engaging in their art. Laura was the executive producer and Erik Myers was the director, both of whom are amicable and thought-provoking individuals.
To find out more about this film, and ALL of the masterminds behind it in greater detail, check out...
Oh, and I speak some in the part titled:
VIDEO DIARY: "Wrap Party Uno" (view more)
We also have some shots of us in the wrap party and King's Contrivance photos that can be 'scene' on this site. All in all being involved with this production was an intriguing and eye-opening experience. Ande Alex and I all hope to also take part in the crew's next upcoming film, "Garage Band."